Annual Sports Day
The Annual sports day of The Montessori School was celebrated on 24 Dec 2022 in KV ONGC field with great effervescence and enthusiasm Mr. RAI RAJ DWIVEDI was the honorable chief guest and Guest of honor Mr. P.C. Tiwari on the occasion. President Chairman Sir Mr. Vijay Khanna, honorable Principal Mrs. Shashi Gulati graced the occasion with their presence. The eagerly anticipated event began with the opening March Past where the seniors marched proudly as the Chief Guest inspected the parade and took the salute. The Coordination of senior boys and girls, their school spirit and enthusiasm were a sight to see the meet of the day was declared open by the chief guest followed by the releasing of balloons to mark the expression of joy and excitement.
The most intriguing aspect embellishing the event was the splendid field displays involving Mass Participation of the students showing their zeal and devotion to the curricular events. The tiny smiles left the audiences blazed with their Holiday. Hustle Bustle Performance. The Manipuri dance, Bamboo beats Uttarakhand dance performed by the senior girls elated the audiences with their powerful and groovy moves. The bubble of energy, vigor and talent of the senior boys burst forth as they are ready to put their best foot forward and instill patriotic feeling amongst all giving the message of ‘Jai Bharat Jai Hindustan Hats off to these soldiers the future of our nation Yoga performance made the air peaceful and serene. The different track events including sprints relays, cycle race was a sight to see as the students participated with high spirits and favor.
The Chief Guest addressed the student and lauded them for organizing a phenomenal show. In the closing ceremony the meet was declared closed by the Chief Guest and the school flag was handed over to the principal ma’am and the incredible evening came to an end.